with business
CSgt Dave Hills RM
CSgt Dave Hills RM 20 year career as a Royal
Marines Commando came abruptly to an end due to medical discharge.
Dave sought to find a rewarding future career. Although not one for usually attending events, he nevertheless decided to go along to one of the Bootnecks in2
Business (Bi2B) presentations.
Bi2B provides a catalyst for Royal Marines’ talent to meet informally, share experiences and find genuine opportunities to further
their business aspirations, or directly secure employment.
It was at this event that Dave connected
with RMA – The Royal Marines Charity.
Through our Employment & Education
team, Dave was introduced to Royal Marine Veteran, Rob Kelly, who is the Military Talent Acquisition Manager for project management firm, Jacobs.
“It was through this connection that I gained useful information on what project management was all about, and what Jacobs had to offer someone who, since the age of 17, had only known military life.”
Dave subsequently contacted our Employment & Education team, who helped him with his CV and with interview preparation techniques, a vital piece of the
jigsaw as this was to be Dave’s firstever
‘civvy street’ interview.
“All in all, my transition to civilian employment was made easier by attending Bi2B and working with RMA, who have been absolutely brilliant. They made time to help
me with anything I needed to successfully transition, AND to this day, still stay in touch.“